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Easy Ways to Produce Compelling Content for Clients

Client newsletters discussing financial planning topics can be powerful educational and marketing tools as they can help an advisor’s name in front of clients. Newsletters can also enhance an advisor’s image by positioning themselves as subject matter experts.

Yet, advisors face numerous challenges when creating content. Documents may need to be approved by compliance departments, while skills and considerable amounts of time are needed to produce high-quality and compelling text.

Producing content, however, doesn’t have to be an overwhelming process. Indeed, advisors don’t need to reinvent the wheel, especially when considering that a wide range of content exists on the World Wide Web that can easily be adapted for advisors seeking to produce client newsletters. Simply put, advisors can deliver value to clients by creating newsletters that have three- or four-sentence summaries of pertinent articles and by providing links to websites that have the content, much like the structure of this newsletter.

Advisors can find plenty of content that can be read without costly subscriptions. The Financial Planning Association website is just one example. It currently has articles on tips for buying a car and how parents should teach their children about personal finance.

The homepage for the American Association of Individual Investors also offers compelling content. The main landing page currently has articles discussing the role of skill and luck in investing, stock valuations, stock investing myths and other topics. Websites of other noteworthy content providers include Morningstar, which currently has articles on the merits of delaying filing for Social Security Benefits, Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, and expectations for the Federal Reserve tapering of bond buying.

Advisors may also want to scan websites of publishers, such as The Street, Forbes, MarketWatch and Bloomberg. When scanning website for compelling articles to summarize for clients, advisors have the opportunity to customize their communications. Those who focus on generating income for retirees, for example, may want to emphasize content that talks about generating investment yield or how to maximize Social Security benefits.

Advisors who focus on college tuition planning may want to generate newsletters that cover 529 plans, financial aid and other topics of importance for parents who are preparing to send their children off to the halls of higher education. Advisors’ newsletters, of course, can also include original content along with the summarized articles.

By supplementing summarized articles with an original article or two, advisors can highlight their own ideas and investment insights. Featuring both original articles and summaries gives advisors additional flexibility when producing content. Providing summaries of articles, furthermore, doesn’t have to be limited to newsletters.

Advisors may want to include news summaries on their own websites to help attract web surfers and to make their online presence more robust. In such cases, links should be set up to access the content being summaries via new pop up screens so that web surfers don’t navigate away from an advisors webpage when clicking on links to the original articles.

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