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What's the Best City for Young FAs?

Many young financial advisors start out in the New York-Newark-Jersey City Metropolitan Statistical area, but there are a number of other cities they should consider, according to a new report. So reports Financial Advisor.

dollar 5242033 640SmartAsset has released its list of the best cities for young advisors. It evaluated the locales based on a number of factors, including average financial advisor earnings, rent, advisor search volume, percentage of households making more than $200,000 and the the portion of the population near retirement.

Topping the list is Chesapeake, Va. FAs earn, on average, a salary of $158,860. Richmond, Va. came in second on the list, with an average annual salary of $160,670.

Also making the list are:

  • New Orleans
  • Portland, Ore.
  • Minneapolis
  • San Francisco
  • Virginia Beach, Va.
  • Spokane, Wash
  • St. Paul, Minn.
  • Fremont, Calif.

Read the full article from Financial Advisor.

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